Sunday, 18 November 2012

Short Update~

Recently, I've been like rea~~~lly BUSY!!!!

With school & part-time work...

There was totally no 1 day that I'm totally free at all! o(╥﹏╥)o

Luckily~ Took a day off today!

Like finally♥ (゜ー゜*)ネッ!

Though this week was busy like hell~

I've received several items~ Especially clothes!

From my mum, aunty etc... who bought/give them to me.

Also bought some items for myself too~♥

Friday went to Skin Clinic again for review!

The doctor say can reduce the antibiotics to once a day. v(。・・。)イエィッ♪

Hehe, happy cause the medicine does "flip" my stomach! D:

Been super active on AMEBA via CANDY & SIMPLOG so check my blog there!!!

Ameblo or Candy どっち?(-^□^-)

At least for the pictures~~~~o(*^▽^*)o ゲラゲラゲラ

Next week have 3 UTs!!!!!!

Shall faints... (._.;)

Feeling sleepy already~ Shall go sleep soon!

There work later after Japanese class too...

Good nighties||寝室Юヾ(●・з)ノ" おやすみね~♪

loves u (*・∀-)☆恵

Thursday, 1 November 2012

I feel cheated! (>へ<。)

Hello, hello~

Been absent from school since Tuesday...  D:

Having some bad infection since last Saturday, if I'm not wrong...

Went to see doctor at the polyclinic & got told to immediately admit to hospital for operation!!!!


Well, my mum drag 2 days before she thinks that she wanna bring me to the hospital though... =.=;;

Haix, in the end I went there myself with my ever-complaining little brother...

Waited for almost 3 hours than got called... At the Emergency, A&E area...

Have another inspection AGAIN?!

Than this doctor says that it's not that serious, just looked at it than says he'll refer me to the operation department.

Outside, waiting again to get called again...

This time the person handed me my bill, mc & the medicine receipt.

Than she told me that they've scheduled me to a specialist to see... 

& guess when? → December!!!!

OMG, like serious? il||li (OдO`) il||li

Haix! I give up~

I feel like I'm cheated.... So you see the title?

Anyway, tomorrow will be resting at home still~ >.<;;

Can't believe I had to cancel all my job schedule for this week cause of this... 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。うぇぇん

Feels bad towards my senior & managers...


Shall try to rest early today too!

Monday, 29 October 2012

Sickly like hell.... D;

OK! I'm like officially sick!!! 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。うぇぇん

Seriously, I feel like I'm getting weaker... D8


Seems like I've gotten some bad infection in some unreasonable places... =。=;;

Not going into detail for that! It's my privacy! >;D

Been really -okay maybe not to that extend- active on my Ameblo!♥

They now have this real adorable app known as "Candy"

Doesn't the name sounds cute too?!?!?!? £ονё..+。゚φ(・ω・*)+。゚

I'm playing around with the themes right now so it's still not that nice yet... (._.;)

If you notice my Twitter, the recent ones are full of #Candy hash-tags, since I connect it together~ :p

Do check out both my online Ameblo & Candy!



Oh yeah, this few days were fully booked!

Saturday went for J-COSMELAND CARNIVAL @ Cineleisure K Box

Got quite some stuffs but was immediately sick after lunch... :(

See my sickly face.... (o;ω;o)ウゥ・・・

Hauls from the event & Goodies Bag~

Only like 2 of these are bought somewhere else!

Yesterday had Japanese class as usual & started my part-timing @ GV Yishun!

楽しい!(-^□^-) It's totally more fun than the DVD shop~

Today had School Activity outside @ Changi Airport & the Ferry Terminal @ Habour Front.

Wanted to have lunch with the rest but was super unwell...

Sleep the rest of the afternoon away... ( ̄□ ̄;)!!

Watching #VsArashiSG now~ Hopefully I'll be a lot more better tomorrow ね!

AHH! Pictures are at my Candy there kays~~~

Monday, 22 October 2012


A quick post today~! (゚∇^*)

Just heard -saw- this from Shibuya Gals SG facebook page!

Hehe, yupps! It's the J-COSMELAND CARNIVALヽ(*’-^*)。

I'm going~ Anyone wanna come with me? *get whacks*

Can't wait for this! お楽しみー!♥

Sunday, 14 October 2012


Okay so school just started yesterday.

Nothing much interesting happened, but I really like my team-mates! :)

I think my team's really awesome~~! Hehe♥

Enough of school again... :p

So today's post is about.... Yeah! *points to the title~*

After working & the Biomedical event, finally got some time for myself...

& went shopping! ☆.。.:*(嬉´Д`嬉).。.:*☆

Went out with my brother, Kenneth just now.

Got myself some stuffs!!! Haaaa~ The feeling of shopping again~ *get slaps*

Freaking adorable shoelaces from citrusox!

Cooking Book from Popular.

Ahhh, this is my new baggyですー。

My blue-brainy♥

2 Scrump-mies thumbdrive from Qoo10.

& here are presents from various people!!!

Hehe~ All so lovely♥

Huge baggy from Nikki-mummy~ From her Australia trip. :)

From Miss Tan Aunty~ Waterproof baggy & mini dust cleaner brush!

My favourite all-time snack, POCKY from my older brother~v(。・・。)イエィッ♪

Hahahax, received so many items~~~ Happy girl~ (*・∀-)☆恵

OMG! Did you see my hair?! Like grass... 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。うぇぇん

Will blog about a event that happened last week soon!!!

Still waiting for the photos that's why... ::><::

Please wait for it ね~!

Byebye! おやChu(((*・ω・(ε・* )))uuh!恵ぃ★

Thursday, 27 September 2012

SKE48 L□∨Ε...φ( ̄▽ ̄*)ポッ

When people says 48 group, normally it refers to AKB48 right?

But for me, I prefer SKE48 more~♥♥♥

Of course I like AKB48 too, but I just more bias towards SKE okay? o(*^▽^*)o ゲラゲラゲラ

Here are the "main" members or what they call the "Senbatsu" members! 

This is from their Single「アイシテラブル」- Aishiteraburu♥

This was the first song I've heard from them, which made me fall in love with them lol~ *laughs*

My favourites:

松井玲奈 Matsui Rena (2 row, 1st girl)
矢神久美 Yagami Kumi (2 row, 2nd girl)
木本花音 Kimoto Kanon (4 row, 4th girl)

Recently they had just released their 1st Album & 10th Single! ゚+。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。+゚

Album「この日のチャイムを忘れない」Kono Hi no Chaimu wo Wasurenai

Single「キスだって左利き」Kisu Datte Hidari Kiki

Songs I recommend:

アイシテラブル Aishiteraburu → Isn't this obvious? XD
パレオはエメラルド Pareo wa Emerarudo/Emerald
キスだって左利き Kisu/Kiss Datte Hidari Kiki

I leave the rest for you'll to find out~ :p

& Since I literally broke this year, I'm only going to get/buy whatever JUMP releases~


Well, do check them out ne~!!!

Oh, & if you do leave a comment on which songs & member you like kays~♥

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Kaomoji on Keyboard! v(*'-^*)ゞ・'゚☆ブイ

Like I said on my previous post, this post would be on how to use 'Kaomoji' directly on your keyboard!


Firstly! I have to say this→ I found how to do this on the net~ :)

SO... Credits will be given at the end of the post!!! ヽ(*’-^*)。

Step 1 - Switch your language bar to Japanese. To something like this~ ↓

Step 2 - Click on Dictionary Tool, or Tools first if you don't see it directly on the bar.

Step 3 - When this ↓ pops up, click on the 'open book with pencil' icon!

Hehe, you can see just how much I've added in it~ ゚+。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。+゚

Step 4 - Type something easy that you will remember on the "Reading" column, copy & paste the Kaomoji onto the "Display" column. Remember! Type it in Hiragana or Katakana only!

Step 5 - LAST STEP! - Change the "Part of Speech" to "顔文字", click "Add" & you're done!

YAY! v(。・ω・。)ィェィ♪ Isn't it easy?

You can add in as much as you want & use it simply by typing in what you add the Kaomoji as~

OH! One note! You can repeat using the same 'naming' for different Kaomoji too~

I'm so in L□∨Ε...φ( ̄▽ ̄*)ポッ with it right now!!!

Muahahahahax~ TRY IT NOW!!!!

*** Example ***

When I type "わら" than space bar the different Kaomoji will be list out.

So I just have to select the one I want to use & press enter~

Simple + easy to use~

No more needing to open the Kaomoji page and copy paste so troublesomely! v(。-_-。)vブイッ♪

Here are some pages that I love ♥ :

Credits to this page that taught me this!:

 ゚+.(・∀・).+゚.。oO( Happy using everyone! )

Thursday, 13 September 2012

HOLIDAYS~! ワーイε=ヾ(*・∀・)/

IT'S THE HOLIDAYS!!! ;+*(★`∪´☆)*+;。

Started since last week though.... :p

Have been quite busy everyday till I don't even have a proper day off! ∵ゞ(≧ε≦● )プッ

So a brief update on what's on my schedule recently!〆(・・ )♪

03/09 - Last day of UT3! ~ Marketing
04/09 - Orchard Kinokuniya → Belinda's House
05/09 - Satay Outing! (*ゝω・)ノ♥♥♥ ・゚:*:゚
07/09 - Xin's House
08/09 - Cleaning day~
09/09 - 日本語クラス!Japanese Class

11/09 - Part-time Job
12/09 - Part-time Job
13/09 (TODAY!) - Health & Biomedical Congress Training/Briefing

Hehe! Busy right? o(*^▽^*)o~♪あはっ

Luckily my next 2 days are open for me to rest~ ☆.。.:*(嬉´Д`嬉).。.:*☆

Though I did sort of "clear" my room on the 8th....

But it's still DIRTY!!!! (o;ω;o)ウゥ・・・

Gotta do it later since my briefing is done in the morning~ ^^

Will update tomorrow or later on how to use Kaomoji - the emotions I always type - easily!

Just found out a way to directly type it on the keyboard!

Hehe~ Please wait for it! (○´ω`○)ノ**SeeYou**(○´ω`○)ノ

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


This is a super late post! Oppies~ (´・ω・`;)

Went watching this Japanese movie with Jieying some time ago~


Super funny & amusing~ XD

Plus! Guess who was in it?

TESSHI - Tegoshi Yuya 手越裕也 ; NEWS , TEGOMASU!!!!!! ♥O♥

So adorable with his bangs tied up... (*^~^*)ゝ いやぁ

This is a scene at the beginning of the movie!


Okay, enough of fangirl... |壁|(・・ )))。。。サササ

Here's the plot:

Set two years after after "Hotaru no Hikari 2" drama series, Hotaru Amemiya learns that her boss and now husband Seichi Takano has dreamed of vacationing in Rome, Italy like in the movie "Roman Holiday". 

Hotaru then makes plans to go to Rome for their honeymoon. Rome, Italy prepare ... Hotaru Amemiya and Seichi Takano are coming! -

You don't really have to watch the first two seasons before this, since I didn't too... :p

Casts: (The most main ones only though.. :p)

Ayase Haruka 綾瀬はるか - Amemiya Hotaru (Main Actress)

Fujiki Naohito 藤木直人 - Takano Seiichi (Main Actor)

Tegoshi Yuya 手越裕也 - Yu Saeki

Matsuyuki Yasuko 松雪泰子 - Rio Saeki

Overall Rating: 8/10!

Hehe, I'm a little bias since Tego's in it~ *get bricks*

Good story line, though a little draggy...

Casts are super fun & totally fits their characters!

Recommend to anyone who wants to get a break from hectic life with a little uniqueness! XD

Here's the picture taken that day~

My fringe looks weird in the first picture... ><



Friday, 31 August 2012


黒子のバスケ -Kuroko no Basuke

Do you guys know this manga? :D

Direct translation would be Kuroko's Basketball

Got super addicted to this recently...

Now I've got a habit to see this every night before bed~

But! Once I start reading it's very difficult for me to stop!!!! (;-ω-`A)

OMG! Too fun to read~ (o゚▽゚)oニパッ

So many nice moments in the manga!

Oh! & there's a anime adaptation to it too~ (v^ー°) ヤッタネ

Here's a picture of our lead - Kuroko & No.2!!!

UT3 is finally ending next Monday! \(^ ^)/ バンザーイ

Will post in the next few days about recent activities~

Sleeping soon, good nights all!

(*ゝ,●・*)ノ^【☆sweet dream!!☆】

Thursday, 23 August 2012


Super busy with almost no day to rest lately... :'/

*cries cries*

Last Saturday had a H-TWO-O event, where I was helping out as a volunteer helper~ 

Luckily I was wearing long pants... *phew*

Got roasted! Now my arms looks "chao tar"!!! (burned) ;A;

Stayed there for about 11 hours? --> 10a.m. ~ 9p.m.

But it was fun & intense at the end!!! XD

So happy for the winner, cause he was in my group/mat area!!!! \(○^ω^○)/

When reach home tired like hell!!!! 

Than Sunday had Japanese class followed by returning to school to complete group proposal for my last lesson for G101...

After doing proposal went to eat dinner with Jiayi Jiejie & Yiyi Whitey~ 8D

Jingying went home cause her house had food... *pouts*

Than we had a mini girls night~ Chatting all the way!!!

Played games too~ ♥♥♥

But than the next day I fell sick with high fever... (p>□<q*))

In the end didn't manage to get healthy enough to go to school on Tuesday... *sobs*


I feel bad for not being able to go to school & help out my team for the final proposal...


Yesterday went back to school to hand in my MC & when for breakfast with Andrea...

After that came back home & slack the whole day away... Opps! :x

Today went to Aunty Susan's place to do facial again~

She said that my face really improved a lot! Yay~!!! 

Hope that all the redness will disappear soon! ^^ *happy happy*

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow & Sunday are all booked!!! 

OMG! OMG! Gotta find time to study too... ::><:: *panics*

Well that's all for now? *laughs*

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Dead! *get slaps*


Opps!!! I just realised today's he exact day since I've last blogged 1 month ago... *shots*

Been too busy & full of lots family problem recently.... (ノД`)・゜・。

ごめんねー SORRY!!! *hides*

Anyway, was super depressed yesterday after some stuffs happening at home....

I actually cried all night... Wasn't feeling better this morning but I'm fine now... :)

Thanks to my senpais & Annie; who I tagged along with after class today~

A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL~♥ o(*'▽'*)/☆゜'・:*☆ありがと☆

Here are my recent spendings... (; ̄ー ̄A アセアセ・・・

Duet & ViVi!!! With Kisumai & Ayumi as the cover~♥

Extra booklet inside!!! Plus 1st page with ARIYAMA♥♥♥ *goes crazy fangirling*

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld... Been waiting for this for so long!!! :D

Unexpected gift from my Aunty~ ^^

Ate dinner at her house too! Thank you always~♥

There's another dress from my cousin but I'm super lazy, so wait till next time! :p

Muji Notebook & pens~ Love it so much!!!

Especially the pens♥ 8D Such beautiful colour~

+ my outfit of the day!

Bought this shirt/dress for super long but never wear... *whacks*

Buying/getting stuffs does lift my spirits up! \(○^ω^○)/

Will update more often since semester is ending soon...

Well then~ I'll be sleeping!


メグ〆(・・ )♪ Megu♥

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Tumblr. 作った!

HAAAAAAI!!!! (*・ω・)ノ*・ω・)ノ*・ω・)ノ こん♪

Like the title says~

I'm finally created Tumblr.! :D

Hehe~ Those who read my blog can follow me there too ne~~~


Though I just started & there's not much posts! *laughs*

About 1 week++ since my last post... ::><::


Anyways, will be real busy this week! :<

UT2 is here! GAH~!!!!!!

So I'll be real tired too...


I'll try to post but I think I might be more active in Tumblr., FB or Twitter ne~

So check them out too~~~~

Byebee!! ヽ(*’-^*)。

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Selling Stuffs~ :D


There are some stuffs which I wanna sell off~

So, my brother "advice" me to post them on my Facebook & Bloggy~ XD

Here's the pictures!!!

Only the DS is 2nd-hand ne~!

The rest are all brand new~~~ ヾ(´▽`*;)ゝ"


The printer ink is for BROTHER PRINTER MODELS:

- DCP-145C / 165C / 385C
- DCP-585CW / 6690CW
- MFC-250C / 290C
- MFC-5490CN / 5890CN
- MFC-490CW / 6490CW


If anyone's interested please contact me~

Here ->

That's all ne~ *laughs*


Saturday, 30 June 2012


Recently found out that Kana's got a new song coming out soon!!!

西野カナ「GO FOR IT!!」will be releasing on 07.25♥♥♥

Uwaaaaaa~!!! If I can get it I will!!!

But... ME CAN'T!!! 。゜゜(´□`。)°゜。ワーン!!

Hahax, so here's the song... The preview actually~

The song Kana have written this time is to encourage girls to confess to the guys they like.

How sweet~ 甘いードキ!('O'(ー^*)chu♪

Me just simply love Kana!

Hope she'll come SG for a concert~ *prays*

Here's 2 picture of me with Jennifer & Liyi in class yesterday!

Tomorrow is a rare day for me to be free~

Hehe! No Japanese class = Free Day!!!♥

I'm going to take my time tomorrow to relax~

それじゃ!Bye bye~

☆^(*≧ω≦)ノ~~~βyё βyё♪

Monday, 25 June 2012


YAHHHOOOOOO~~~~!!!! (o≧▽゚)oニパッ

Today class ended SUPER EARLY!!!! YAY~

So after school went watching SADAKO 3D with my class's wacky friends~


Hehe~ IT WAS SO FUN!!!!

I think the people who were in the same theatre as us thought that we are insane or crazy for sure!!!! XD

Since we kept on laughing & laughing~~~

Even though its supposed to be a HORROR MOVIE!!! (ノ≧∀≦)ノ・‥…━━━★ ピキューン!

Overall the movie was okay but the ending was disappointing... BUUU!!!

I only found out that the leading actors were none other than D☆DATE's Seto Koji(瀬戸康史) & Yamamoto Yuusuke(山本裕典)!!!!♥♥♥♥♥

I love both of their acting & they're like the same age as my older brother!!!!



I highly encourage people to watch "Atashinchi no Danshi" for Seto-kun.

& Yuusuke is definitely "Ouran High School Host Club the Drama" & "Hana Kimi Japanese ver."

They really caught my eye in these drama ne~~~~

The female lead this time was Ishihara Satomi(石原 さとみ)!!!

OwO I still remember her from Yama-Chan's drama - "Hidarime Tantei EYE"

Thought I didn't like her in that drama, she turns out to be great in SADAKO 3D!!!

I really have to say this -> HER ACTING IMPROVE!!!! CONGRATZ~♥

AHH! & our Sadako this time is a real pretty girl~

Hashimoto Ai(橋本 愛) - too bad only the last part she shows her face.. T^T

I'll definitely take note what other dramas she'll be acting in~ ^^

Oh yeah! Here's what I was wearing today~

Pink big bunnies T-shirt + tights♥

Got them just last week @ Causeway's Bubble Tee! *points @ baggie below*

Saw this on the way into the theatre...


Can't wait for it to be out~~~~ ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ

Than after movie got this KYAWAII cupcake from Deanne~!♥

They say it looks like me~ LOL! (◎>∀<◎)

We went walking aimlessly around before parting...

Like serious, Stingray & Haoen super bad one!!!!

But they're like that everyday I guess~? *laughs*

Okay, shall sleep now!!!!

Tomorrow's going to be a long day in school so I will not be posting~

Maybe after Thursday I might post ne~ :p



Tuesday, 19 June 2012

LAZY? ( ̄∇ ̄;) ハッハッハッ

Recently been feeling... lazy?

Maybe it's cause of the starting of school & the need to stay back for UTs - Understanding Tests.

Last week UTs officially started!!! ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(o゜―゜)oブーン!!

Tomorrow have to stay back for another UT too... ><


Well~ Should be okays!!! *laughs*

Enough with UTs.... XD

Recently Berikyuu - Berryz Koubou X ℃-ute collaborate to release a new song!!!


It's a super highly cute song that would motivates people~

Definitely for me ne~~~ ♪(*^ー゜)v

Especially the chorus when they sing - Because Happiness~♥

Here's the official MV!

Also, I'm like really into Davichi's songs nowadays!!!

8282 is nice~ :D


But me still bias J-POP!!!!!!! (ノ∇≦*) キャハッッッッ♪

AH! Just now~

Me found 「僕はVampire」's performance clip!!!! やった~♥♥♥

SO! SO! AHHHHH~~~! FREAKING COOL!!!! (〃ω〃) ポッ

Hehe~ Tension got too high!!! MUHAHAHAHAX~

Shall go rest now...

I promise to update more!!! ::><::

So... Don't kill me~ XD

☆^(*≧ω≦)ノ~~~βyё βyё♪

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


OKAYS! Like I promised just now in class~

Me here again!!! XD

Finally got gonna post about Helicon Camp stuffs~

But me face was horrible so don't expect much pictures - except not-so-good qualities one! :p

SO! Last Friday~Saturday was Helicon Camp!!!

Friday was really fun, funny, crazy and all blah blah~PEACE! あはっ♪(^∇^*)*^∇^) あはっ♪

Had this activity where girls had to go find a guy from different IG & ask them for name...

Was fun but kinda embarrassing... (ノε゚●)

Than had this REALLY CRAZY GAME - where all the guy had to hold on to each other & girls will have to pull *cough*break*cough*tear*cough* them apart... (●´艸`)フ゛ハッ

Well, as expected... Things got REAL MESSY!

Wasn't able to pull all the guy away, but oh well~

Than split into groups mixed with people from other IG... :D

Had to make our own Country & National Anthem (Cheer)...

But before that we got split back to our own IGs to play~~~!



We even had 罰ゲーム(Batsugeemu - Punishment Game) for those who lost... XD

Nikki mummy poor thing~ Both time also got it... ><

After that had lunch & than proceeded with doing our Flag~

Oh yeah! Some pictures taken after lunch...

Than had this Balloon-Stomping game where we all tie a balloon on our ankle and had to move a step at a time + to crush other people's balloon~

The game lasted quite some time...

Found some "interesting" JUMP pictures & was fan-girling with Kel/Ryo-Chan Senpai at the side... ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ彡☆勹"ノヽノヽノヽノヽノヽ

Had dinner before we went to sports complex to shower~


Than we had a movie session!

But me was so sleepy that I ended up paying half attention to it and was playing with my phone or napping a little~ :p

Here's another picture!♥

Hehe~ The one beside me is Ryo-Chan Senpai, & beside her is Ruyan Senpai!!!

Had Night-Trail after that~

Was fun! But some of the stations inside were totally insane... *rolls eye*

We only get to sleep LIKE FINALLY!!! @ around 12.30a.m.?

But we ended up chatting so we slept @ around 2a.m. instead~ ( ´∀`)ヵヵヵ

Saturday morning was COLD~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!

I woke up with headache @ 5.50a.m.+

Than when 7/11 with Senpai they all...

Breakfast was @ 8a.m. - which is bread... *sighs* Regret not buying cup-noodles!

Had to run around the whole RP Campus for cultural game~ :D

Just found this picture~ Hahax! I though I got shot with Ryo-Chan Senpai though... XD

Return back to make props & create Cultural Event for our Country.

Had to present = act out our Cultural Event~ XD

LOL! Look how red my face is... *runs~*

In the end we took like lots of photos together as a whole! ♥

Hehe~ Me lazy so... YEAH!

One picture only... XP

Anyway that's all for the camp~!

Behind like anyhow write... XD

BUU~~~~ Me don't care.... Hahahahahax! o(〃'▽'〃)oあははっ♪

Nighties everybody!♥

オヤチューミ!おやChu(((*・ω・(ε・* )))uuh!みぃ★


Suddenly I feel like posting in Japanese... *laughs*

So pardon for all the Japanese down there kays~ XD



でも、まぁ~ 暇だな!!!(笑)

後試験があるのにね...( _ _ )..........o








お楽しみに~ヘ( ̄ー ̄)ノエヘッ♪

English translation will be coming soon @ the comments area~ :D

Saturday, 2 June 2012


うわぁぁぁぁあ~ 熱が!!!!。・°°・(((p(≧□≦)q)))・°°・。ウワーン!!

My head is spinning...

As in literally! ;A;

So well, yeah!

This is just a short post since I notice I didn't posted anything recently... ::><::

Anyway, Today was supposed to go to JAF and watch Xin's performance...

But my mum banned me from going out~ TAT

MOU! What a bad time to get fever... *wails*

SERIOUSLY!!!! エーン!o(TヘT o)

My head is pounding & my face's hurting in all ways...

Haix... I guess it gotta be the medicine the doctor gave me...

*cries cries*

Now gotta rest some more...

Byebye! Shall update soon!!! (´;ω;`)ウッ

Monday, 28 May 2012

Movie Outing - JCIG♥

Hmm, today went out with JCIG - Japanese Culture Interest Group to watch movie~!!! XD

We're supposed to watch MIB3..

But in the end we watched AVENGERES♥

It was seriously EPIC! Especially our reactions~ (≧∇≦)ノ彡 バンバン!

After the movie Christel, Deon-Senpai & Kai-Senpai had to go... :(

So, I followed the rest to arcade even though I rarely visits such place..

It's fun once in a while, to see them play the games! (o≧▽゚)oニパッ

Oh! & here's a picture of me & Christel together~

After arcade went Kino to find another Senpai~! >w<

Ordered a book that I wanted & re-bought the one I've lost before... ;A;

Finally went to eat something decent after that!!!

Which is.... MOS BURGER!!!

Hehe~ Not bad, if I had to say!

Since I've never eaten this before... :p

& this is the burger~~~

Wagyu Cheeseburger!!!

It's a kind of beef in Japan♥ :D

Simply delicious~ ^^

Shall try the Rice Burger next time! (o^^o)ふふっ♪

Than Victoria left & the rest of us went "window-shopping" @ Isetan~

Bought Curry Udon to make for tomorrow's lunch...

Went Far-East Plaza to continue "window-shopping"~ XD

Followed them to a figurine shop that's located at the 3rd? 4th? story..

Sorry! Didn't notice which level we were at... =.="

Shop all the way to the basement & saw this FREAKING ADORABLE HUGE TEE!!!(ノ´Д`)ノ★LOVE★(ノ´Д`)ノ

Isn't it kyuuuu~? *goes crazy over it*

& now me trying on it to see for myself~

Uwaaaaa! Please pardon my メチャクチャな部屋 - freaking messy room!!! ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ ウワァァン!!

Anyway, we went "water-hunting" & sat on the bench chilling out before proceeding back to the MRT station...

Only Nikki-Senpai -points to the picture above- was heading the same direction as me... So, byebye to everyone else!

GOSH! We had to stand the whole trip back... ;A;

My poor legs were protesting to the whole journey..

Senpai's legs were doing the same too... TAT

Poor us~ Hahax! *get whacks*

Basically it's about like this for today... :D

But it's really fun!!! ^-^

Hope to go out like this again~ Maybe not so soon though... :/

*Yaaawns~* OK! Need to sleep now...

Nighties!!!♥ (つω-`o)っ【。*゜ぉゃすみなさぃ。+゜】