Sunday, 29 April 2012

Annie's House~!!!

Today, went to ANNIE'S HOUSE!!!

Together with Chrystal ~ XD

Really FUN! Chat almost non-stop... ALMOST~

Did nail colour @ there too, now it's brown~

Love it!!!  

I think I'll go buy it myself too~

Oh yeah! Bought Pop-Teen for the first time! OwO

Quite nice... :D But I think ViVi might have been more worth it...

It's like $8.00... Well, no comment on that...

Waiting for next week? Or maybe next next week for my contact lens... - Hope they found it!!! ::><::

Took quite a lot of pictures... Again! - I know right!!! *laughs*

But than, too lazy to edit all so well~ :p

Hahax, tomorrow's school day again...

But Tuesday's public holiday!!! - Saved me from sleep deprive~ :D

Now going to shower, put mask and fall asleep~

Nighties~!!! Sweet dreams... 

Friday, 27 April 2012


TODAY! Class was HILARIOUS~ SERIOUS!!! (*≧m≦*)プププw

Okay..., today 's class was quite blur to me at the start..

I've never take Bio in Secondary so... You know!!! XD

Our whole class fun until stomach ache! Even our facilitator laugh until choke(? I think...) :p

We're doing on genetic traits and so on...

BUT! XinRui's explanation was LOL~! o(〃'▽'〃)oあははっ♪

Ermm, how to say... Fun to listen?

Haha, my stomach really cram until~

Took some pictures again today... XD

After school went to AMK Hub with Daddy & Mummy for dinner~!

Ate Fish Market!!!

Seafood Plater for 2!

But actually I think enough for 3 people lol~

Freaking full after this... XD

That's all today! Byebye~ 

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Fun ワーイ♪\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/ワーイ♪

Hello~ I'm in school right now! XD

But it's still lunch break/study period 2 now so... Hahax~

Today whole day is Maths, well it's relatively easy so I can relax and play a while!!!

Took a lot photos with JY(Jingying)

She's been playing with this camera app. since she downloaded it... (o^^o)ふふっ♪

This is Hazimah~ 

She takes same course as me in RP! (*^-゚)vィェィ♪

Snowing scene with Jiayi and Peiyi!

It seems like Jiayi likes to "bully" me... ε=ε=ε=ε=\(;´□`)/ *laughs*

Monday, 23 April 2012

Coloured Lens....

Recently, I want to get coloured lens... (*´Д`)=3ハァ・・・

BUT!!! I can't... *cries & brawls around~*

Apparently my little Debit Card finally made it's way to my mail box~! ♥

Which I'm like really glad~ (that it didn't run away... :p)

Unfortunately, I still have to wait for the pin to be able to use it... T^T

Why can't they send it together?!?!?! BUU---!!!

Hope that it'll arrive soon, BEST TOMORROW♥

Hahax, who am I kidding? 

There's no new pictures taken today, so....

You'll have to settle for this one! ┌(。Д。)┐ あはは♪

Taken last Friday @ Science class with my groupies~♥ Hehe...

Gonna tag them at Facebook for this post!

As usual, Japanese ver. is available too -> @ AMEBLO ♥

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Friends & Chats♥

Yesterday went out with Xin to JAF and various places~

We did quite a lot of stuffs; singing, chatting, being random...♥

We also met up with Mai!!! Even though it's for a short period of time... ><

We split up with Mai at Serangoon, cause she had to go home... :(

After that, me and Xin went for dinner @ Burger King!!! ♥♥

Burger King's nice~ (●*>凵<p喜q)*゜・。+

The picture's at Xin there so too bad~ XP

Finally after dinner, went to Yishun and split with Xin to go to temple with my Mum and Dad...

Met up with Ah Qi~♥ \(○^ω^○)/

So long never see her nor mum... Hahax.

Her mum started calling me a doll~ XD

Chat with Ah Qi, like so long never chat with her..

What a fulfilling day.... I guess? *laughs*

Thursday, 19 April 2012


Recently I've bought Ettusais's DUO Make-Up Powder, it's Casing A and AC Skin Care Version Up!

I'm like really HIGH~ when I bought it... XD

I'm totally a Ettusais fan you know

But it's like really EXPENSIVE!!! *cries!*

Recently when I like to wear huge T-shirts when I'm at home... (*^-゚)vィェィ♪

It's feel so refreshing? cooling? when I wear them~ O(≧∇≦)O

Isn't it cute?!?!?!

Today's the third day of school, since school started on Tuesday 17/04.

Until now, hmm... I do like my new school Hehe~

The mentors are kind too~ I think... XDDDD

From now onwards, I'll do my best!!! 

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Hello~ Megumi May here! 

May is my real name, Megumi is my Japanese name deprived from my Chinese name so it's still my name! XDDD

You'll can call me May / Megu / Megu-Teddys either one 'kay~ ^ ^

Hmm, about myself....

I'm 17 this year, currently studying at RP.

Loves everything about/related to Japan

My favourite Japan Idol is Hey! Say! JUMP, all JUMPers are free to add me ne~!

I also support KAT-TUN, NEWS, Kis-My-Ft2, Nishino Kana, ClariS and so... (Too much to list... I think I could continue this to the morning... :p)

Other than that I like fashion, make-up, skin-care products and anything that's cute!!!

I'll be posting about my life, so if you like me please follow my blog~ :)

This blog would be translating my Japanese blog into English but it's not 100% exactly... ^^

For my Japanese blog, please click here

So please view any one of my blogs ne~ ♪(゚▽^*)ノ⌒☆