Thursday, 24 May 2012

休みー!♥ + カナの新曲~

今日のポストはこの土曜から 2週間の休みの事ですー!ワクゥO(゚▽゚o)(o゚▽゚)oワクゥ♪

Hahax, okay enough with all the Japanese up there... :p

So, what I was saying is... Today's blog post is about the upcoming 2 weeks of holiday~!!!♥

Aww, you know how much I love holidays right?!


Translation again~ Plus thoughts about Kana-chan's (Nishino Kana) newest single!


First up is my plans for the next 2 weeks is actually mostly set...

Well, to be exact my to-do list is full of random (actually not) stuffs~

Hmm, 1.) Organising school notes + Revision @ Jiayi's house.
2.) Doing some patch-work from a interesting book I've found recently.
3.) Re-organising + Designing my room - a little tough but I'm definitely gonna do it!!!
4.) Prepare time-table~ - what a good girl I am!!! *laughs & get shots by passer-bys*
5.) Cook some interesting recipes I've been researching on...
6.) Get plenty of sleep which I'm really deprive from...

Quite the list ne~ あはっ♪(^∇^*)*^∇^) あはっ♪

Also! I'll try to clear my face as much as possible... :D

Here's a picture of me & Jiayi Jiejie from yesterday - in class where we ate Mac Donalds! げらげら o(^▽^)o げらげら

Her Hello Kitty in my hand to hide my terrible face~ Hahax! XD - I'm bad ne~~~

Okays, moving up we have KANA's NEW SONG/SINGLE!!!!♥♥♥

Downloaded it just recently but OH MY~~~!

Her voice really is just heavenly to me... (//∇//) テレテレ


Singer - カナ西野 Kana Nishino, Single - 私たち Watashi-tachi, Released - 23/05/2012

Track list - 1.) 私たち 2.) Happy Half Year! 3.) LOVE LIKE CRAZY

Uwaaaa~ I like all the 3 songs but I think the best this time is 1.) & 2.)!!!

Can't decide between these two... So please don't make me choose!!! ::><::

Both songs are love songs that most people relate to~♥

I love the fact that she always write her songs (most of the time, so about 90%?)~!

For anime lovers, I recommend you'll to listen to "if..."

It's the ending for one of the Naruto Shippunden Movie - Number 4 I think... ;p

I'll try to find some music player so that I'll be able to add & share my song list on my blog soon~

Hmm, should I make it auto-play or not? XD

No matters... Now it's time for bed!!!

Had a really rough day today, so you can see I've said NOTHING about today...

Anyways, here's a picture of me & CHII - my new stuffie (stuff toy) from JY for my birthday... ^^

Nighties all!♥ Sweet dreams~ |寝室Юヾ(∪。∪*)=3=3=3 オヤスミー

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